Ok. New Year and New Post finally! Sorry!
I have been engaged in Blackberry Messenger for the last part of 2009 and I have to say, it is the best Instant Messaging program available today. It only works with people who have Blackberrys, but so far there is nothing that is so slick for any devices. It works so well because it uses time and delivery stamps and allows files to be sent over it. All of this is 100% free except of course for owning a Blackberry, your monthly fee through a carrier.
I have become very intrigued with the Blackberry devices and after getting my Tour on Sprint, I saw the 9700 Bold and decided I had to have it. So I got it from Amazon for $49.99 shipped and hooked it up to my AT&T account as a second line. Of course my iPhone is the primary line on there, and the 9700 is he secondary. Such a nice phone, that 9700. Wow! With Ubertwitter, a free Blackberry app, I have Twitter going there also. The smart phones that are coming out with Android are very hot, but this Blackberry Messenger is really something and has reduced my interest in any other phones for the time being. Yes, you read correctly. Even the Google Nexus One is not really a proper device. The Droid is cool, but just not well designed. I think the Asus Dual Screen "e reader" may be for me and I am certainly interested in the new Apple product that will be coming in a few months or sooner. So for now I am using my iPhone and my Blackberrys the most. The Blackberrys can sync up with my Google stuff and the apps for them are very good and inclusive. The Android phones that are coming out are still missing a lot, but they are a good second choice if you for some reason can't get the iPhone. I still believe the iPhone is the best phone right now, but I am loving the Blackberry too.
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