The crazy world of cell phones is going nuts! The new phones are really not that good, and are just being hyped by each maker so much, that each one sounds fantastic!
The Blackberry Storm 2 is really a piece of junk and I am sort of a Blackberry fan as I have fallen in love with Blackberry Messenger and own a Tour. The new Blackberrys coming out with the Optical Track Pad and Wi-Fi are really nice and I would definitely recommend them. The Droid from Motorola is a poor design, but is running one of my favorite Operating Systems; Android. It is probably a beautiful and smooth User Interface, but the design of the Keyboard kills it for me. The pointer thing on the right of the Keyboard is so poorly placed it makes the design a wreck. Motorola is not going to get back into cell phones again at a profit unless they start designing good stuff like they used to. They have the best audio of a lot of phones because they are superior Radio makers, so they know their stuff when it comes to Radio Frequency and audio out. However the Droid is screwed up because of that crappy keyboard! They need to have better physical design.
This is not going to please a lot of people, but the iPhone is the best device out still and it has been absolutely copied by everyone as far as design and interface. So far nobody has been able to kill it. I think there is a possibility of it being killed by someone, but it's not going to be Motorola or HTC....in the near future. The Cell Phones coming out are exciting until you use them, then they just don't make it. I'm still lovin' the Pre and the iPhone, but I am going to jump into something new in a few months. My Tour and My Touch are favorites also.