I decided that I really love the Android OS on the G1, but the G1 was kind of clunky. So I called T-Mobile and told them I really wanted the new My Touch 3G which of course is the second Android phone available in the USA. At first they said you have only been with us 9 months so you have to pay $400.00 for the My Touch. That got me sort of angry, so I waited until last week and called them and told them I was going to pay the ETF and cancel my service. Well, they connected me to retention and the guy said he would of course get the My Touch sent out to me immediately and just put the upgrade cost of $200.00 on my next invoice.
So it came by UPS yesterday. This phone is a sleeper. An excellent shape and size and really a nice jump from the G1. More memory and better design. Now I can put apps on my SD card without any trouble and the darn thing came with a 4GB Micro SD Card! Also the packaging is incredible. A Fabric Zipper Case held the phone and all the usual stuff. It also came with a Micro Fiber Pouch which is cool, and a decent screen protector (pretty decent). Really a nice phone. I have my G1 on Ebay to help pay for this new cool phone. Should work, and only cost me a little or nothing.
Anyway, I love this phone. The app store is huge and has got a great selection of apps very much like Apple's App Store. I got the Merlot color so it really looks nice. The app Layar is pretty spectacular. You launch it and aim the phone at wherever you are, or buildings or whatever and it tells you what's going on in the buildings, stores or restaurants, and you see them on your screen in live action as you point. This is really quite amazing. Only tried it quickly, but I will be using it this weekend. Sherpa is great on the phone too. Tells you what is around any where you are. This may be a candidate for me to do some interesting stuff: Rooting the phone. I am afraid of bricking it, but the Roms out there for this phone are amazing. A Gajetman's dream. We'll see if I have the time and the patience to do it. All in all I recommend this phone to anyone who likes Android.