Friday, October 30, 2009
Cell Phone World Going Nuts!!!
The crazy world of cell phones is going nuts! The new phones are really not that good, and are just being hyped by each maker so much, that each one sounds fantastic!
The Blackberry Storm 2 is really a piece of junk and I am sort of a Blackberry fan as I have fallen in love with Blackberry Messenger and own a Tour. The new Blackberrys coming out with the Optical Track Pad and Wi-Fi are really nice and I would definitely recommend them. The Droid from Motorola is a poor design, but is running one of my favorite Operating Systems; Android. It is probably a beautiful and smooth User Interface, but the design of the Keyboard kills it for me. The pointer thing on the right of the Keyboard is so poorly placed it makes the design a wreck. Motorola is not going to get back into cell phones again at a profit unless they start designing good stuff like they used to. They have the best audio of a lot of phones because they are superior Radio makers, so they know their stuff when it comes to Radio Frequency and audio out. However the Droid is screwed up because of that crappy keyboard! They need to have better physical design.
This is not going to please a lot of people, but the iPhone is the best device out still and it has been absolutely copied by everyone as far as design and interface. So far nobody has been able to kill it. I think there is a possibility of it being killed by someone, but it's not going to be Motorola or the near future. The Cell Phones coming out are exciting until you use them, then they just don't make it. I'm still lovin' the Pre and the iPhone, but I am going to jump into something new in a few months. My Tour and My Touch are favorites also.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Here's Something for You!
Click Here to take survey
I love my Phones, and have been having a blast using them. I am trying to see if I am the only crazy person; using my cell phnes for just about everything!
Listen, I know I'm nuts, so please don't comment on that. I recently got rid of my Treo Pro and replaced it with a Blackberry Tour! I have been curious as to why everyone who I talk to says they love their Blackberry. In fact as you know, lots of people say they are addicting. Well, now I know. The Blackberry is a very interesting device and offers some different ways to communicate. I love the keyboard on the Tour and I have not had any problems with the phone unlike quite a few people. I hear the trackball is defective on many of these phones. Anywayy, it has it's own Blackberry Messaging System and uses messaging via your own PIN number which each phone has. This allows free messaging to and from any Blackberry owner. Pretty cool. Besides that, all the Social Networking apps are available, and the phone is usable for just about everything you can use any other Smart Phone for. The experience is different of course on the BB, (like web browsing), but very usable and functional. I do like the darn thing.
I love my Phones, and have been having a blast using them. I am trying to see if I am the only crazy person; using my cell phnes for just about everything!
Listen, I know I'm nuts, so please don't comment on that. I recently got rid of my Treo Pro and replaced it with a Blackberry Tour! I have been curious as to why everyone who I talk to says they love their Blackberry. In fact as you know, lots of people say they are addicting. Well, now I know. The Blackberry is a very interesting device and offers some different ways to communicate. I love the keyboard on the Tour and I have not had any problems with the phone unlike quite a few people. I hear the trackball is defective on many of these phones. Anywayy, it has it's own Blackberry Messaging System and uses messaging via your own PIN number which each phone has. This allows free messaging to and from any Blackberry owner. Pretty cool. Besides that, all the Social Networking apps are available, and the phone is usable for just about everything you can use any other Smart Phone for. The experience is different of course on the BB, (like web browsing), but very usable and functional. I do like the darn thing.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Can't Give up Android
I decided that I really love the Android OS on the G1, but the G1 was kind of clunky. So I called T-Mobile and told them I really wanted the new My Touch 3G which of course is the second Android phone available in the USA. At first they said you have only been with us 9 months so you have to pay $400.00 for the My Touch. That got me sort of angry, so I waited until last week and called them and told them I was going to pay the ETF and cancel my service. Well, they connected me to retention and the guy said he would of course get the My Touch sent out to me immediately and just put the upgrade cost of $200.00 on my next invoice.
So it came by UPS yesterday. This phone is a sleeper. An excellent shape and size and really a nice jump from the G1. More memory and better design. Now I can put apps on my SD card without any trouble and the darn thing came with a 4GB Micro SD Card! Also the packaging is incredible. A Fabric Zipper Case held the phone and all the usual stuff. It also came with a Micro Fiber Pouch which is cool, and a decent screen protector (pretty decent). Really a nice phone. I have my G1 on Ebay to help pay for this new cool phone. Should work, and only cost me a little or nothing.
Anyway, I love this phone. The app store is huge and has got a great selection of apps very much like Apple's App Store. I got the Merlot color so it really looks nice. The app Layar is pretty spectacular. You launch it and aim the phone at wherever you are, or buildings or whatever and it tells you what's going on in the buildings, stores or restaurants, and you see them on your screen in live action as you point. This is really quite amazing. Only tried it quickly, but I will be using it this weekend. Sherpa is great on the phone too. Tells you what is around any where you are. This may be a candidate for me to do some interesting stuff: Rooting the phone. I am afraid of bricking it, but the Roms out there for this phone are amazing. A Gajetman's dream. We'll see if I have the time and the patience to do it. All in all I recommend this phone to anyone who likes Android.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Kindle is Great No Matter What
Ok. I gave in and bought a Kindle. The price went down to $299.00 free shipping and no tax. Had to buy it. It's sort of funny because I was reading Steve Martin's book in hardback when my Kindle arrived, and so I finished that before I even looked at the kindle. Born Standing Up is the Steve Martin Book I read. Really good.
Anyway I am very happy with the Kindle. It is a slick little gadget that will read to you or play music while you're reading. It also has a wireless connection through Sprint and it works great. I love the darn thing. I have been reading the New Yorker and the New York Times on it. I have yet to read a book on it, but I know it will be a good experience. The newspaper and magazine comes to me while I sleep and is there whenever I want it. No piles of paper to recycle.
People do not realize that the Kindle is still sort of an experiment. It even has a Browser on it that is an experiment. I wouldn't use it unless I didn't have my iPhone close, but it does work if you need it. There are some things that don't have the digital rights that are needed to be on an electronic reader, so when people complain about an article or a cartoon or whatever that is not on the Kindle version, it's because that person or company wont authorize it for digital media. Simple as that. There are many Publishers and people who are still living in the dark ages. This is the future. Amazon is a pioneer. I believe it will work and both the consumer and the suppliers of content will benefit.
Everyone had a hernia over Amazon taking back 1984 and Animal Farm. Amazon noticed that someone put those titles up for sale and yet they did not have the rights for electronic publishing, so they refunded everyone and pulled them off their Kindles. This was bad, however, if you were a smart person, you would have downloaded the books to your computer and you would still have them. Things can be saved and uploaded to and from your Kindle by your laptop or desktop, so this makes Kindle even better. You can upload stuff to it and also e-mail stuff to it (for $.15 a file if you e-mail it). So this was a mountain made out of a mole hill as usual, by all the whiners in our lives. Kindle is great, and I highly recommend it. It will add more fun to your life.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Anyone Reading Any books?
Books. Books. I seem to have a huge quantity of them and yet I haven't had too much time to read them. Or have I? Spending a lot of time on the Web reading things and listening to Podcasts. Also watching Podcasts. And reading and sending e-mail. Ok. I think I have some time to read. Lately I have been reading a book called The Elegance of a Hedgehog. My wife read it and loved it and it sounded kinda interesting so I started it. I like it!! I have to finish it so I can start one of the many Frank Zappa Books I own. Also want to read the new book by the guy who wrote The Tipping Point. Is anyone reading any cool books? Are you using the new Kindle or another eBook Reader? Please comment!!!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Love My New Toys and gdgt dotcom is Hot!
I have been going crazy playing with my new iPhone 3GS and the Palm Pre. Just having a huge blast with these gadgets!!!! The iPhone is just so cool. I have been looking at places all over the world with Maps and using the compass. Also exploring some new apps and I just loaded all my songs from iTunes on it since I now have tons of room on the 32GB model. Also shot some video at the Pride Parade (The Protester) last Sunday and posted it on my youtube account (
I also sent out some e-mails inviting friends to view it; all from my iPhone. No laptop or computer. Just so cool!!!!!!!!!
The Palm Pre has been my Twitter machine lately. I love the way the Pre works. It is so easy and fast to make a call and then check Tweeter or text some friends. This is really a nice phone because of the multiple programs that can be opened and running at the same time. Just swipe to a different card and you are where yo want to be instantly. So easy.
Today launched. It is the cool new site by Ryan Block and Peter Rojas of Engadget and Gizmodo fame. These guys have spent a lot of time, hard work and dough on this site. It is going to be the most fun gadget site out there. You pick gadgets you have, had, or want and there is total interaction with others who are gadget freaks as they discuss, alert and add specifics to the site. It sounds a little weird, but go up there and register and tool around. This will really grow and be a great way to learn about your toys and help others enjoy and find stuff too. Nothing but fun and information from other nuts like us!!!
I also sent out some e-mails inviting friends to view it; all from my iPhone. No laptop or computer. Just so cool!!!!!!!!!
The Palm Pre has been my Twitter machine lately. I love the way the Pre works. It is so easy and fast to make a call and then check Tweeter or text some friends. This is really a nice phone because of the multiple programs that can be opened and running at the same time. Just swipe to a different card and you are where yo want to be instantly. So easy.
Today launched. It is the cool new site by Ryan Block and Peter Rojas of Engadget and Gizmodo fame. These guys have spent a lot of time, hard work and dough on this site. It is going to be the most fun gadget site out there. You pick gadgets you have, had, or want and there is total interaction with others who are gadget freaks as they discuss, alert and add specifics to the site. It sounds a little weird, but go up there and register and tool around. This will really grow and be a great way to learn about your toys and help others enjoy and find stuff too. Nothing but fun and information from other nuts like us!!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Got the 3GS Last Friday (Launch Day)!
I had to get it, so I just ordered it on the Apple Web Site and it was shipped overnight on he 18th and I received it on June 19th around 1:30PM. I'm talking about the iPhone 3GS of course. I bit the bullet and spent a lot of money on it ($500.00) like the perfect Apple Fanboy Sucker that I am! Well, here's my plan: sell the 3G for some big dough and help pay for the 3GS. I think I can do it. I have to say that the 3GS is worth every penny. When using Google Maps, the Compass makes it even cooler. The battery life for me is far better than the 3G and the added features are very satisfying. I love the video app and have already shot a short video and sent it up to my Mobile Me Gallery. I was also easily able to send the link to some friends so they could view it quick. All from the 3GS. I think that is very slick. Basically you don't need a computer as much or at all. The camera and the speed are much improved. Surfing and loading apps is very quick and a better experience. All in all it is probably the best device out there (the Palm Pre comes in second). Also an app that I thought I would hate: The Sirius XM app. It doesn't include my buddy Howard Stern, but it is a fine app. As long as you have the upgraded Internet Streaming on your account, you are good to go. Again, even though many hate this app, I love it. Works well and has great potential (hopefully Howard can work out a something to allow his channels to be up on this app, but it is an infringement on his TV On Demand deal).
I am a gadget freak and the 3GS in my opinion is the ultimate one. It only gets better and better.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Ok, Now What?
OK. Everything is OK. The Palm Pre is a really great device. It works as presented and is a really great Smart Phone. I actually love it and have not had any problems with it so far. It has only been 5 days, but I have it going pretty much the way I want. Got my sync stuff worked out and almost everything I need is in the phone. It is slick. So, now that I finally got it and love it, I have to decide what to do about my iPhone. I love that one too. After all, the Smart Cell Phone is where it's at. These are the greatest devices for high tech and development at the moment. Why get a Kindle, when you can read books on your Smart Phone. I have read books on an old Plam device and it was great, so now it's even better. Especially on the iPhone with the Kindle App. I need to get the new iPhone 3GS, but they want too much (for me, anyway). I will just have to see if the Apple Store can work out something for me because I am not paying $500.00 to $600.00 for the thing and I am not waiting another year to get it either. I will keep you posted on what happens.
So, the thrust of this Post is that the Pre is great and yet, the iPhone is really great too. Perhaps the greatest two devices out (as of June 19th for the iPhone). For the ultimate in fun, these two are the ones to have. The Pre will really explode as the "code guys" work on it because it has become so easy to play with the firmware. I'm having a ball!
So, the thrust of this Post is that the Pre is great and yet, the iPhone is really great too. Perhaps the greatest two devices out (as of June 19th for the iPhone). For the ultimate in fun, these two are the ones to have. The Pre will really explode as the "code guys" work on it because it has become so easy to play with the firmware. I'm having a ball!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Palm Pre Released, but I'm Worried!
Well, the Palm Pre came out yesterday and now I'm worried. I will be getting mine from Sprint probably on Wednesday, but now I see reports of problems. This launch has been so poorly executed. Now many people are saying there are some problems with the phone right out of the box: Light leaks, Blotches at the bottom with certain backgrounds, dead pixels or stuck pixels, and the phone heats up too much, especially when on the Touchstone. This is not so good. There are always problems or short comings with the first release of a brand new gadget, but this just reeks of poor quality control and disregard for testing. I am so disappointed in these reports that I may not keep the phone when it comes in. What a bummer!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
One Week until the Pre is Out!
This is it! The Palm Pre comes out this Saturday and I am excited!! it has been demoed all over the place, but not really advertised to the general public. This advertising will start this week probably, but maybe they started off slower than usual because of the low amount of units manufactured. Who knows. This phone is definitely going to be a really fun toy, but there are some new Win Mo phones coming out too; not to mention maybe a new iPhone. I have used all the Palm devices including their phones and loved them all. It is going to be interesting to see how it compares to my iPhone. The idea of having apps run in the background is very appealing. Anyway, let's see what happens. I am supposed to be getting one a few days after launch, sent to me by Sprint, but I don't know if I will actually get it then. $200.00 is the price, so no, I didn't win one or get one for evaluation even though I should have. I still think it will be sort of like the G1, where it will launch with so so apps and firmware, but again, who knows.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Pre Launch May Make People Very Mad
Ok, so we have two weeks to wait until the Palm Pre cell phone is released to the public. The problem is, it is being released in 4 ways: Radio Shack Stores, Best Buy Stores, Sprint Stores and of course online at Sprint. This is bad because the inventory will be spread out to 4 places. That means, according to rumors and comments by the higher ups, that the amount of phones will be very few at these spots. The other thing is that Best Buy stores will not make you pay $300.00 and then mail in a rebate for $100. They are supposed to just charge $200.00 out the door (for 2 year and upgrade contracts). This of course would be a good choice to pick up the Pre, but the Best Buy Stores will only have maybe 4 to 8 phones if you're lucky. So, what do I do? What does anyone do who wants one on launch day? Well, this situation is really not good for us. I figure an awful lot of folks will be pretty pissed that they waited in line or whatever and can't get one! I want one and don't know what I'm going to do yet. I'll figure it out a few days before June 6th, but I bet I will just be frustrated like a everybody else.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Sling App For iPhone
I was really pissed when I heard the Sling Box App for iPhone wouldn't work on 3G. In fact, I decided not to buy it. It also wouldn't work with my Sling Box AV which really got me mad. Here we have AT&T trying to rip us off so that we can't have our unlimited 3G use and probably will try to make us buy some crap from them, and we also have Sling Media trying to make us buy their newer model of Slingbox. Just a bunch of sales ploys. Well, of course when this crap goes down, people with brains work around it. I found out that if you have a jail broken iPhone, there are two programs to trick the iPhone in thinking it is using wi-fi, but it's really using 3G. Now that's a nice thing! So of course if you have a jailbroken iPhone you just read the forums and download the app. Then you buy the Sling Box app (which is a rip off, but this makes it worth it) for $30.00 plus tax (unbelievable) and you can use the app on 3G! Also, they lied: it works fine with the older Sling Boxes. Cool!! See, when you try to screw the people, the people screw back!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Palm and Sprint Don't Have Their Act Together
The longer Palm and Sprint wait to release the Pre, the worse off they will be. Apple may have a blockbuster in June and this Pre excitement really can't get any better than it is now. If they wait too long into June they may have a problem selling this phone. Apple is not sitting around as we all know. The best thing they could do is release the Pre now or in a week or so. At least in this Month of May. These guys better do well because really they are both losers. Sprint and Palm are in bigger trouble as time goes on. Even if they have to have some updates, they should get that Pre out sooner rather than later.
Monday, May 4, 2009
More Interesting Net Books Coming
Seems like the Net books are still hot and more are coming every day. The new thing is that they are being built with 3G access so the cell phone carriers are gonna make a killing. Again!!
The new Acer One coming out will be tied to AT&T's 3G service. This is all good except for one thing: The service costs too much. If these carriers had any brains they would offer this service for the Net Books at a better deal and they'd sell tons of these and pick up a lot more users. At the price points for the service, they will only get the business users, but actually I have never met anyone who sees a Net Book and doesn't want one. When will these carriers wise up? Never. They are idiots and too greedy! $60.00 a month and more is way too much for slow 3G (actually the speed is good for the little computers, but just too much dough). For that kind of money it should be 10 mega bits!
Anyway, there are other ways to get wifi for less and use it on the go. That is a whole different story for a later date.
I just hate AT&T and the others.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
We Are Swines For Getting The Flu!
This Swine Flu thing is so crazy! It is not the first or the last problem we are going to have with disease. Everyone is traveling to places that are dirty and where people don't have good common sense regarding germs. There are so many dirty restaurants and places all over the world, basically because people do not keep clean and do the things they should have been taught to do by their parents. I hate it when people yawn in an elevator or in other close quarters and don't cover their mouths. Or they sneeze and cough without covering their mouths. What slobs these people are. Where are their manners and brains? Of course germs will spread if you just spit and cough all over the place. Face it: there are less and less people with good habits regarding hygiene and germs. This swine flu is nothing. There's all kinds of stuff out there. Also, the hospitals are not safe at all. Nobody does their jobs in hospitals to keep things germ free. In fact I see all kinds of people coming home from their hospital jobs wearing their scrubs instead of changing into their street clothes. This way all the germs they came in contact with all day; they are walking around with in public spreading them. We have to educate people. Cover your mouth when sneezing, coughing or yawning. Wash your hands a lot. It's so sad people need this explained.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
People Love Mediocrity
Lots of people love mediocrity. This Susan Boyle who has a great voice when she sings, is really not that good that she should be now considered a super fantastic singer. She sings very well, but is only so so. She's just mediocre. She is just a good singer. Nothing spectacular. There are tons of people that sing as well as she does. She is not worth being all over the media all over the world. As Andy Warhol said: "everyone will have 15 minutes of fame". That fits Susan Boyle perfectly, but because people love mediocrity she has been made into a pop idol. Hey, just my opinion.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I Am A Little Crazy!
Ok, I will confess right now: I have four activated cell phones. Now, one of them is all for business and one is also for mostly business, but the other two are for personal business and fun. Fun as in a toy; a gadget that entertains me and gives me nerdy things to do and enjoy. The Two for fun and personal business are the iPhone and the G1. The iPhone wins for the most useful and interesting gadget, and the most fun. All of the newest technology and developments are really coming in the cell phone market, or are already here. Cell phones to me are the ultimate gadget. Between all the apps and the OS, this is where it is all at for coolness. You really can't get any better tool, or play thing than a smart cell phone. Of course a companion lap top is important for backing up and syncing information to and from the phones. I guess a lap top is also the ultimate gadget because it is a much larger version of a smart phone without the direct calling services; although that is available too for mobile computers to some extent. So, I'm a little crazy, but these phones help me succeed and have fun too!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
HBO Has Lots of Movies!
I called my Internet and TV Provider the other day because there was a short outage and they offered me HBO (which I don't have) for free for three months. I know that if you fail to cancel after three months they just rip you off every month for it. I made a note in my calendar to cancel it at the end of June or around there. The only problem is that I seem to always get hooked on some movie when I look through HBO programs. Sure enough I got hooked on Fracture with Anthony Hopkins. Not a bad flick, but nothing spectacular. I watched the whole darn thing!! Got totally hooked! Man, I wasted a lot of time! It was cool though!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Gotta Watch the Weight
Ok, now I have to really make sure I don't get too big. It will cost me if I fly somewhere.
I have always been thin, but as I am getting older things are happening. I have a little belly now which I have to get control of or I will be paying for two seats on the Airlines. I was made aware tonight that there are eight Airlines which charge for two seats if you are too big (how do yo sit in those little crappy airplane seats if you are "too big" anyway?).
Ok, no more food.
Bye the way is this acceptable behavior by the Airlines? Vote Here!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Blah Blah Blago
Blago is such a strange person. Is he mentally challenged? Of course he is! The guy is looking at being in Reality Shows and went all over Hollywood and New York on TV and Radio. What is with this jerk? Here's the bottom line: He is definitely guilty of screwing up the State of Illinois and so just for that I say put him away. If he does "go away', how is it that he can profit from TV stuff and write a book that only crazy people will buy? WTF!!!!!!! This is gonna be a really interesting court deal because so many other people worked with him to screw Illinois and the people in it. I figure half the people working for the City of Chicago will be in trouble too. OK.......enough "Politics"!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Government Money For TV Boxes?
This is really stupid: Just about anyone can get 2 Coupons for nothing from the US Government, that are worth $80.00 towards a purchase of Digital Converter Boxes. These will be necessary when the TV Stations go digital if you don't have cable or dish service (as if you didn't know).
Why is our Taxpayer money going for this? Simple: Government knows if the people can't watch TV, they will be pissed. I don't know if this is really the reason. I just think it is a waste of taxpayers money, but hey, if they are going to give me the coupons, why not take 'em? It might be the only thing they give me for a long long time. Usually they just take from me, so I got a couple of 'em. I will use one Box in the basement and then maybe give one to a friend or sell it. If you haven't gotten your coupons go to
A good place for deals on the Boxes is
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Strange New Weapon?
Can you imagine telling the cops that you were beat up by someone with a cap? Yes, a hat. This is very Unusual. It's called the Sap Cap! A weighted cap that is made to defend yourself. Wow! Why didn't I think of this. Maybe because it's even too insane for me to think up.
SAP CAP This standard baseball cap can be used as a blackjack or sap. Just use the bill as the handle and the cap as an weapon. The secret of the Sap Cap is the pocket of a unique impact material that is 110% the density of lead and will not rust. Velcro adjustment. Sugg. Retail: $59.99
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Small Laptops Are Hot!
I have a little Acer One, which is a small 10" Laptop. It is a full function computer with everything except a CD/DVD Drive built in. Has USB ports and a slot for an SD Card which is really cool. Runs Windows XP very well too. Has a GB of ram and a 160GB Hard Drive. Every time I use it in a coffee shop or restaurant people stare at it and ask me what it is and say how cool it is. These things are inexpensive too. About $300 to $400.
If I were a maker of these things I would be marketing the heck out of it. I have only met one person who didn't like it, but everyone wants one of these. So how come they aren't marketing the heck out of them? They fit the bill for travel, and mobile use so well, they are the perfect gadget. I prefer the Mac OS, but nothing from Apple s available and if it is in the future, it will probably not be at the same price point.
I bet you have one of these too!
Friday, April 10, 2009
What Year Is It?
Pirates on the sea? You mean we can't defend ourselves from Pirates? Is there such a thing as a gun or possibly surveillance? It's like we live in the old days. What is wrong here? Shoot the jerks and then they won't take your ship. Is this too hard to figure out?
I've just been told by a friend that guns are not allowed on merchant ships. Huh? WTF?
Thursday, April 9, 2009
This Is Where It All Is
Tonight I take a break from all my crazy work and instead of listening to Frank Zappa play his guitar, I am writing my first post on my new Blog.
Here's my first question:
Is the Obama Chia Pet not politically correct? Is it racist? I found myself watching the commercial for it and wondering if I was not watching Saturday Night Live?
I am not sure if it is racist or politically incorrect.
Please let me know what you think in comments.
Also, why are all of us working people not seeing any benefits from all these Government Bailouts?
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